What I Learn From Hackathon

May 1, 2017 (8y ago)

On 22 April is the first I attend a hackathon at Magic, Cyberjaya. When I heard that there’s a hackathon looking for a student to join them, my heart beat faster. I know, this is the place where I want to go for a long time. There are four companies at there to prepare a challenge to all the participants. If they’re like it, probably they’ll hire you. The rewards of this event are cash prizes and job. For sure, networking and building a teamwork is an advantage too.

Be Prepared

Please make sure; you have prepared with your skill set. The skill set I meant probably developing a website application, mobile app or any application you’re able to build. It will be the best weapon you can bring to the Hackathon. The task given not you’ve to get on at on the class.

Rest efficiently ![Magic, Cyberjaya. Source : Dreamcatcher Facebook]](/images/2023/07/_rest.jpeg)

You’ve given a task to complete in 24 hours. It’s up to you when you’re going to rest. Sleep early around 10 p.m is better than working on the late night until morning. Sleep is important to let your brain work efficiently. For me, sleep around 4 hours is enough for me to awake until the event is over.


Magic, Cyberjaya. Source : Dreamcatcher Facebook You need to present your apps/system after you’ve done in 24 hours. Make sure you know how to present your idea. If you’re introvert and can’t perform correctly, have a team member that has that skill would be a great idea.


After you got the task need to complete, you don’t need to code it straight away. First of all, plan what’re you all going to do. List on the paper is more than enough or using management tool likes Trello could be helpful. Then, assign each task to the member. Make sure your members have a skill to finish it and the assigned equally.

Thanks to Dreamcatcher Asia for a great event and Magic for the comfortable place. Definitely will join again. There are so many things I learn during this hackathon.